hiiruki d99b9df15d
writeups/google-cloudskillsboost: [GSP345]
Automating Infrastructure on Google Cloud with Terraform: Challenge Lab
2023-09-10 16:08:35 +07:00

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[GSP345] Automating Infrastructure on Google Cloud with Terraform: Challenge Lab Quest: Automating Infrastructure on Google Cloud with Terraform 2023-05-19T07:02:15+07:00 false Hiiruki
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Lab Banner

  • Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
  • Difficulty: Introductory
  • Price: 1 Credit

Lab: GSP345
Quest: Automating Infrastructure on Google Cloud with Terraform

Challenge scenario

You are a cloud engineer intern for a new startup. For your first project, your new boss has tasked you with creating infrastructure in a quick and efficient manner and generating a mechanism to keep track of it for future reference and changes. You have been directed to use Terraform to complete the project.

For this project, you will use Terraform to create, deploy, and keep track of infrastructure on the startup's preferred provider, Google Cloud. You will also need to import some mismanaged instances into your configuration and fix them.

In this lab, you will use Terraform to import and create multiple VM instances, a VPC network with two subnetworks, and a firewall rule for the VPC to allow connections between the two instances. You will also create a Cloud Storage bucket to host your remote backend.

Task 1. Create the configuration files

  1. Make the empty files and directories in Cloud Shell or the Cloud Shell Editor.

    touch main.tf
    touch variables.tf
    mkdir modules
    cd modules
    mkdir instances
    cd instances
    touch instances.tf
    touch outputs.tf
    touch variables.tf
    cd ..
    mkdir storage
    cd storage
    touch storage.tf
    touch outputs.tf
    touch variables.tf

    Folder structure should look like this:

    └── instances
        ├── instances.tf
        ├── outputs.tf
        └── variables.tf
    └── storage
        ├── storage.tf
        ├── outputs.tf
        └── variables.tf
  2. Add the following to the each variables.tf file, and replace PROJECT_ID with your GCP Project ID, also change the REGION and the ZONE based on the lab instructions.

    variable "region" {
        default = "<****us-central1****>"
    variable "zone" {
        default = "<****us-central1-a****>"
    variable "project_id" {
        default = "<****PROJECT_ID****>"
  3. Add the following to the main.tf file.

    terraform {
        required_providers {
            google = {
                source = "hashicorp/google"
                version = "4.53.0"
    provider "google" {
        project     = var.project_id
        region      = var.region
        zone        = var.zone
    module "instances" {
        source     = "./modules/instances"
  4. Run the following commands in Cloud Shell in the root directory to initialize terraform.

    terraform init

Task 2. Import infrastructure

  1. In the Cloud Console, go to the Navigation menu and select Compute Engine.

  2. Click the tf-instance-1, then copy the Instance ID down somewhere to use later. Instance ID

  3. In the Cloud Console, go to the Navigation menu and select Compute Engine.

  4. Do the same thing on previous step, click the tf-instance-2, then copy the Instance ID down somewhere to use later.

  5. Next, navigate to modules/instances/instances.tf. Copy the following configuration into the file.

    resource "google_compute_instance" "tf-instance-1" {
        name         = "tf-instance-1"
        machine_type = "n1-standard-1"
        zone         = var.zone
        boot_disk {
            initialize_params {
            image = "debian-cloud/debian-10"
        network_interface {
            network = "default"
        metadata_startup_script = <<-EOT
        allow_stopping_for_update = true
    resource "google_compute_instance" "tf-instance-2" {
        name         = "tf-instance-2"
        machine_type = "n1-standard-1"
        zone         = var.zone
        boot_disk {
            initialize_params {
                image = "debian-cloud/debian-10"
        network_interface {
            network = "default"
        metadata_startup_script = <<-EOT
        allow_stopping_for_update = true
  6. Run the following commands in Cloud Shell to import the first instance. Replace INSTANCE_ID_1 with Instance ID for tf-instance-1 you copied down earlier.

    terraform import module.instances.google_compute_instance.tf-instance-1 <****INSTANCE_ID_1****>
  7. Run the following commands in Cloud Shell to import the first instance. Replace INSTANCE_ID_2 with Instance ID for tf-instance-2 you copied down earlier.

    terraform import module.instances.google_compute_instance.tf-instance-2 <****INSTANCE_ID_2****>
  8. Run the following commands to apply your changes.

    terraform plan
    terraform apply

Task 3. Configure a remote backend

  1. Add the following code to the modules/storage/storage.tf file. Replace BUCKET_NAME with bucket name given in lab instructions.

    resource "google_storage_bucket" "storage-bucket" {
        name          = "<****BUCKET_NAME****>"
        location      = "US"
        force_destroy = true
        uniform_bucket_level_access = true
  2. Next, add the following to the main.tf file.

    module "storage" {
        source     = "./modules/storage"
  3. Run the following commands to initialize the module and create the storage bucket resource. Type yes at the dialogue after you run the apply command to accept the state changes.

    terraform init
    terraform apply
  4. Next, update the main.tf file so that the terraform block looks like the following. Fill in your GCP Project ID for the bucket argument definition. Replace BUCKET_NAME with Bucket Name given in lab instructions.

    terraform {
        backend "gcs" {
            bucket  = "<****BUCKET_NAME****>"
            prefix  = "terraform/state"
        required_providers {
            google = {
                source = "hashicorp/google"
                version = "4.53.0"
  5. Run the following commands to initialize the remote backend. Type yes at the prompt.

    terraform init

Task 4. Modify and update infrastructure

  1. Navigate to modules/instances/instance.tf. Replace the entire contents of the file with the following, then replace INSTANCE_NAME with instance name given in lab instructions.

    resource "google_compute_instance" "tf-instance-1" {
        name         = "tf-instance-1"
        machine_type = "n1-standard-2"
        zone         = var.zone
        boot_disk {
            initialize_params {
                image = "debian-cloud/debian-10"
        network_interface {
            network = "default"
        metadata_startup_script = <<-EOT
        allow_stopping_for_update = true
    resource "google_compute_instance" "tf-instance-2" {
        name         = "tf-instance-2"
        machine_type = "n1-standard-2"
        zone         = var.zone
        boot_disk {
            initialize_params {
                image = "debian-cloud/debian-10"
        network_interface {
            network = "default"
        metadata_startup_script = <<-EOT
        allow_stopping_for_update = true
    resource "google_compute_instance" "<****INSTANCE_NAME****>" {
        name         = "<****INSTANCE_NAME****>"
        machine_type = "n1-standard-2"
        zone         = var.zone
        boot_disk {
            initialize_params {
                image = "debian-cloud/debian-10"
        network_interface {
            network = "default"
        metadata_startup_script = <<-EOT
        allow_stopping_for_update = true
  2. Run the following commands to initialize the module and create/update the instance resources. Type yes at the dialogue after you run the apply command to accept the state changes.

    terraform init
    terraform apply

Task 5. Destroy resources

  1. Taint the INSTANCE_NAME resource by running the following command.

    terraform taint module.instances.google_compute_instance.<****INSTANCE_NAME****>
  2. Run the following commands to apply the changes.

    terraform init
    terraform apply
  3. Remove the INSTANCE_NAME (instance 3) resource from the instances.tf file. Delete the following code chunk from the file.

    resource "google_compute_instance" "<****INSTANCE_NAME****>" {
        name         = "<****INSTANCE_NAME****>"
        machine_type = "n1-standard-2"
        zone         = var.zone
        boot_disk {
            initialize_params {
                image = "debian-cloud/debian-10"
        network_interface {
            network = "default"
        metadata_startup_script = <<-EOT
        allow_stopping_for_update = true
  4. Run the following commands to apply the changes. Type yes at the prompt.

    terraform apply

Task 6. Use a module from the Registry

  1. Copy and paste the following into the main.tf file. Replace VPC_NAME with VPC Name given in lab instructions.

    module "vpc" {
        source  = "terraform-google-modules/network/google"
        version = "~> 6.0.0"
        project_id   = var.project_id
        network_name = "<****VPC_NAME****>"
        routing_mode = "GLOBAL"
        subnets = [
                subnet_name           = "subnet-01"
                subnet_ip             = ""
                subnet_region         = var.region
                subnet_name           = "subnet-02"
                subnet_ip             = ""
                subnet_region         = var.region
                subnet_private_access = "true"
                subnet_flow_logs      = "true"
                description           = "This subnet has a description"
  2. Run the following commands to initialize the module and create the VPC. Type yes at the prompt.

    terraform init
    terraform apply
  3. Navigate to modules/instances/instances.tf. Replace the entire contents of the file with the following. Replace VPC_NAME with VPC Name given in lab instructions.

    resource "google_compute_instance" "tf-instance-1" {
        name         = "tf-instance-1"
        machine_type = "n1-standard-2"
        zone         = var.zone
        boot_disk {
            initialize_params {
                image = "debian-cloud/debian-10"
        network_interface {
            network = "<****VPC_NAME****>"
            subnetwork = "subnet-01"
        metadata_startup_script = <<-EOT
        allow_stopping_for_update = true
    resource "google_compute_instance" "tf-instance-2" {
        name         = "tf-instance-2"
        machine_type = "n1-standard-2"
        zone         = var.zone
        boot_disk {
            initialize_params {
                image = "debian-cloud/debian-10"
        network_interface {
            network = "<****VPC_NAME****>"
            subnetwork = "subnet-02"
        metadata_startup_script = <<-EOT
        allow_stopping_for_update = true
        module "vpc" {
        source  = "terraform-google-modules/network/google"
        version = "~> 6.0.0"
        project_id   = "*****PROJECT_ID****"
        network_name = "****VPC_NAME*****"
        routing_mode = "GLOBAL"
        subnets = [
                subnet_name           = "subnet-01"
                subnet_ip             = ""
                subnet_region         = "us-central1"
                subnet_name           = "subnet-02"
                subnet_ip             = ""
                subnet_region         = "us-central1"
                subnet_private_access = "true"
                subnet_flow_logs      = "true"
                description           = "This subnet has a description"
  4. Run the following commands to initialize the module and update the instances. Type yes at the prompt.

    terraform init
    terraform apply

Task 7. Configure a firewall

  1. Add the following resource to the main.tf file and replace PROJECT_ID and VPC_NAME with your GCP Project ID and VPC Name given in lab instructions.

    resource "google_compute_firewall" "tf-firewall" {
        name    = "tf-firewall"
        network = "projects/<****PROJECT_ID****>/global/networks/<****VPC_NAME****>"
        allow {
            protocol = "tcp"
            ports    = ["80"]
        source_tags = ["web"]
        source_ranges = [""]
  2. Run the following commands to configure the firewall. Type yes at the prompt.

    terraform init
    terraform apply

