Ever since I'm running some niche distros like Void, Solus, I had a problem finding what softwares I need in their not-so-large repositories, also I don't like how flatpak and snap works. so i decided to create an Arch Linux chroot enviroment everytime I distrohop. Why Arch Linux? They have a really, really good repositories, oh and don't mention how big AUR is.
If you use runit, copy archbox folder inside ```runit/``` to whatever your distro store runit services and symlink it to whatever your distro store running runit services, if you don't use runit, you may need to create your own init script, or create a cronjob that runs on boot.
Instead of opening terminal everytime you want to run application inside chroot, you may want to launch rofi inside chroot, install rofi and do ```archbox rofi <rofioptions>```.
#### Pulseaudio
If the audio doesn't work, comment ```mount -R /var/lib/dbus $CHROOT/var/lib/dbus``` in init script and start pulseaudio inside chroot instead, do ```archbox pulseaudio```.
If you use bash and nerd font you could add a nice little Arch Linux icon in your prompt, add ```[[ -e /etc/arch-release ]] && export PS1=" $PS1"``` to your ```~/.bashrc```